Saturday, November 20, 2010

quiet women.

i am a quiet woman
i come from a line of quiet woman
Too scared to open our mouths
And let out what we
think & feel, deep & sure
But still,

We hold the words back
&clasp our hearts in
our chests
Bite our tongue
let it go, (No need
to start a fight)

For my my daughter, I want more
I want her to know
&be sure
Hold her head up,
Be loud and proud
&keep her feet rooted to the ground
Feel the power of the earth
In her every move
Because she is an equal,
no matter what any
man should say

Because she is beautiful
Now&Will be
beautiful as a woman,
an unquiet woman
who can create storms

1 comment:

  1. I think it takes a quiet woman to create a storm. Centuries of silence and churning in deep waters, to create storms that throw mountains up from the earth, create passages where there were none.
    Unquiet women are too often like fish thrashing around in too little water, gasping for air and screaming when all they need to do is lie still, sink into the water and take a deep breath, secure in themselves.
