Saturday, January 16, 2010


i am a medical student. but i have recently discovered (or rather rediscovered) the power of words and thought. i am trapped in a world of my making, in a world of science and industry, fast and scribbled notes that hardly make sense. in a world of scientific, etiological words like cauda equina and levator ani and pollicis brevis. where we examine bodies and see them as parts, like a mechanic would see a car, (what's out of order, what's not functioning?) instead of looking at symphonies of beauty in every inch of luminous skin, or admiring the glossy undertone of muscles. in a world brimming with the labyrinth of messy words and scalpels and dissecting the human body until all you see is raw aching skin and tired cut down nerves. until you hold each organ in your hand, feeling its weight and density, detached from the fact that this was a person. until you hold a heart in your hand, still and unbeating, changeless and hapless and then, you realize, perhaps you should examine your own heart, feel its weight, and hear its thoughts.

.. leena

1 comment:

  1. Wonderfully expressed! One of the main reasons why I couldn't see myself in this profession was because I couldn't (and still can't) study a human as a machine, and I've always wondered how (or if at all) doctors coped with this denial...
